I’m super excited today, because I’m sharing my first video ever!
I’m probably going to look back on this first video and cringe after a little more experience, but I’m going to need you guys to bare with me.
I love this video right now though because it features my most favorite little sous chef in the whole world. Baby Girl can bake a mean loaf of bread.
And if I’m being honest, this little video is like being a fly on my kitchen wall. It is definitely true to life and it’s how most of my baking/cooking gets done.
I absolutely love that she loves to be in the kitchen with me. The day she denies my pleas for “help” will be a sad sad day.
I say “help” because you can imagine how much “help” a toddler really is in the kitchen. The mess she creates causes me way more work than if she were to be doing something else, but she’s so fun in the mean time I have a hard time denying myself or her that time.

Okay you guys, in the meantime… Check this out. How pretty is that bread? It is LLLOOOADDDDEDD with multi grains, and the cool thing about it, is that you can add whatever grains or seeds you have on hand.
So I’m going to tell you what I added to it, and if any or all of these ingredients make you want to crawl into a corner and die, you can totally add whatever floats your boat.
So I picked sunflower seeds, quinoa, whole oats, bulgur wheat and flax seeds. I think some steel cut oats would be GLORIOUS, or maybe even some chia seeds? That’s the cool part about this bread, you can literally put whatever you want.
But if you look at that above pictures you can see how beautifully these grains are incorporated into this soft wheat bread.
Mr. T LOOOOOVVEEESS this bread and guess what… so does Baby Girl!
…But only if you hand feed it to her…
…While she barks like a puppy.

Whole Wheat Multi Grain Bread
2016-04-08 15:51:23
This bread is hardy, soft, packed with flavor and even more multigrains!
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6 cups warm water
2 tablespoons instant yeast
1/2 cup olive oil
2 tablespoons kosher salt
1/3 cup vital wheat gluten
2 tablespoons dough enhancer
16 cups whole grains/whole wheat flour*
1/2 cup honey
Preheat oven to 400° F.
Combine all ingredients in an electric mixer with the dough hook attached. Knead in machine for about 8 minutes on low/medium speed.
Diving into five two lb. loaves and place in greased loaf pans. Allow to rise one inch above the pan.
Decrease temperature and bake at 350° F for 30 minutes.
*The total amount of whole grains and whole wheat flour together should equal 16 cups. For example: in my bread I used
1 1/2 cups sunflower seeds
1 1/2 cups quinoa
2 cups whole oats
1 cup bulgur wheat
1 cup flax seeds
Totaling 7 cups of multi grains/seeds which means I would now need 9 cups of whole wheat flour or enough flour until the dough pulls away from the bottoms and sides of the bowl while mixing.
You can choose whatever combination/amount of grains that you like, but I would not do more than 8 cups of grains to 8 cups of whole wheat flour.
**Vital wheat gluten and dough enhancer can be found in specialty grocery stores, or online.
By Mindy Sumsion
My Mom Taught Me To Play With my food http://playzwithfood.com/

And, without further ado… the video that I won’t shut up about:
